Podcast on Passage Tombs

A really interesting listen from Amplify Archaeology, hosted by Neil Jackman, in which he discusses Ireland's Neolithic passage tombs with Dr Jessica Smyth from UCD. There are at least 230 known passage tombs in this country, of which Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth in Co Meath are amongst the best known. These monuments can also be found along Western Europe's Atlantic coast in Spain and Portugal, Brittany and the western parts of Britain.

Dr Smyth leads the Passage Tomb People project, which uses a multi-disciplinary approach to look at the societies which built passage tombs. Find out more about the project here.

Festival co-founder Victoria Kingston helped develop the content for the new exhibition at the Brú na Bóinne visitor centre which interprets the passage tombs of the area, including Knowth and Newgrange. Dr Smyth was on the academic advisory board for that project.