Trinity College Dublin has recently announced the digitisation of the Book of St Albans, held in its Library since 1661. Dating from the 13th century, it was written by the Benedictine monk and chronicler Matthew Paris and features over 50 works of art telling of the life of St Alban and the building of St Alban's Cathedral (the image is shown above). Read more about the project and the Book of St Albans here.
The Guardian's Rory Carroll wrote a really interesting article this week on the Tailteann games of 1924 in Dublin, which were bigger than the Paris Olympics of that year but are now largely forgotten.
The recent UCC conference on the Civil War is now available to view online here (Day 1 and then click through for the later days) - we've only got part way through but there's an outstanding range of topics and speakers, many of whom have presented at the West Cork History Festival.
And finally, we recently discovered the Irish Diaspora Histories Network which has lots and lots of interesting content from scholars from all over the world who study the Irish diaspora. The first few articles alone cover diaspora stories in England, the US, Shanghai, France and South Africa.