2024 West Cork History Festival

Well what a fantastic festival it was this year! A huge thank you to all our speakers and performers, to our brilliant volunteers, our Friends & Donors, to Inish Beg for hosting us, to the AV, filming & photography team, to our food & drink suppliers and to everyone who bought tickets and came along to the events. A truly wonderful weekend of history.

Professor Roy Foster (above) in conversation with Professor Margaret Macmillan (below) for the Festival's opening event
Martin Doyle, Books Editor of the Irish Times discusses his memoir Dirty Linen: The Troubles in My Home Place
Anna Reid on her book A Nasty Little War: The West's Fight to Reverse the Russian Revolution
Director of the National Gallery Caroline Campbell speaking about the Gallery's place in Irish Life
(L to R) Andy Bielenberg, John Dorney & Helene O'Keefe shortly before discussing their project Mapping the Civil War
Conor Gearty discussing  How Counter-Terrorism Law Has Changed What We Allow Under Liberal Democracy
RTE's Donal Byrne during his talk on The Afterlives of Big House Families